Just a little about who we are.

Tobias Enriquez

The Founder

Tobias Enriquez founded PonderForge based on the scripture: Psalm 111:2 "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them." So that PonderForge would work to follow the greatest engineer of all time: YAHWEH. He states that: "This company is my sacrifice and business partners' sacrifice to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, for as he paid the ultimate sacrifice for us, we offer this menial sacrifice to him." Tobias Enriquez likes to program, engineer, and hang out with his friends in his free time.

Joshua Perez

The Visionary

Hi, my name is Joshua Perez. I am the charisma of this business. I also bring the vision. I pitched this idea to the founder of the business Tobias, he just saw PonderForge as a tech company, but I saw more potential. So the idea of doing a podcast and maybe a potential clothing company was born. It is mine and the company’s goal to reach more people for Jesus through technology.